
Last modified: September 2017. Please note that the list of publications is not being updated anymore as the project has been completed. For information on more recent publications, please consult the websites of Pia S. Schober and C. Katharina Spieß.


Pia S. Schober, C. Katharina Spieß, Juliane F. Stahl, Gundula Zoch and Georg F. Camehl (2017) "The Early Childhood Education and Care Quality in the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-ECEC Quality) Study - K²ID-SOEP Data", Data Documentation 91, Berlin: DIW Berlin


Juliane F. Stahl and Pia S. Schober (in press) "Convergence or divergence? Educational discrepancies in work-care arrangements of mothers with young children in Germany", Work, Employment & Society, published online April 7, 2017



Pia S. Schober and Juliane F. Stahl (2016) "Expansion of Full-Day Childcare and Subjective Well-Being of Mothers: Interdependencies with Culture and Resources", European Sociological Review, 32(5), 593–606, doi:10.1093/esr/jcw006


Stahl, J. F. and Schober, P. S. (2016) "Ausbau der ganztägigen Kindertagesbetreuung kann zur Zufriedenheit von Müttern beitragen", DIW Wochenbericht 37 / 2016, pp. 840-847



Georg F. Camehl, Pia S. Schober, and C. Katharina Spieß (2015) "A SOEP-Related Study: Early Childhood Education and Care Quality in the Socio-Economic Panel (K2ID-SOEP)", in: Sandra Gerstorf, Jürgen Schupp (Eds.) „SOEP Wave Report 2014“, Berlin: DIW Berlin / SOEP, pp. 31-34


Georg F. Camehl, Juliane F. Stahl, Pia S. Schober, and C. Katharina Spieß (2015) "Höhere Qualität und geringere Kosten von Kindertageseinrichtungen – zufriedenere Eltern?", DIW Wochenbericht, 46 / 2015, pp. 1105-1113


Georg F. Camehl, Juliane F. Stahl, Pia S. Schober, and C. Katharina Spieß (2015) "Does Better, Cheaper Day Care Make for More Satisfied Parents?", DIW Economic Bulletin, 45+46 / 2015, pp. 604-611



Pia S. Schober and Juliane F. Stahl (2014) "Trends in der Kinderbetreuung: sozioökonomische Unterschiede verstärken sich in Ost und West", DIW Wochenbericht, 40 / 2014, pp. 986-994


Pia S. Schober and Juliane F. Stahl (2014)  "Childcare Trends in Germany: Increasing Socio-Economic Disparities in East and West", DIW Economic Bulletin, 11 / 2014, pp. 51-58


Pia S. Schober, C. Katharina Spieß, and Yvonne Anders (2014) "Early childhood education and care quality: Investigating socio-economic selection, child development and information asymmetries", in: Jacobs Foundation, Annual Report 2013